Humanise The Numbers - for ambitious accountants in practice

Emily Inman & Stephen Pell - ACCA Strategy Series 5/5

Paul Shrimpling, Emily Inman and Stephen Pell

What do you have to do in your firm to ensure that what you invest in the strategic thinking, the strategic hard work pays off for you as a business owner, your team and your clients as well?

Join me on this Humanise The Numbers podcast discussion with Emily and Stephen. And you'll hear them describe the merit, the value, the payoff associated with clarity around strategy for them.

Both of these firms are niche firms, one is in the music entertainment industry the other is in the building CIS arena and they talk eloquently about the focus they have for their firm and what the key trends and the things stable in time that show up in their particular sectors.

And then they elaborate on the key trends and the things that are stable in time within the accountancy profession so that you can get a real insight into two aspects of strategy. Trends that are inevitable and the things that are stable in time, the foundations of great strategy. I hope you get some real value and practical insight from the discussion with both Emily and Stephen, enjoy the podcast.

 When on this episode page, please scroll down for the contact information for Emily and Stephen
 and to find additional resources mentioned in the podcast.