Humanise The Numbers - for ambitious accountants in practice

Christine Nicholson, Business Mentor and Exit Planner, Advisors to the Profession series

Paul Shrimpling and Christine Nicholson

One of the deepest, most valuable, conversations you can have with your business owner/business leader clients is in regard to the future of the business without them. It's about exit planning and succession, about preparing the business for their exit, whether it's an internal or external sale, and about whether the management team will continue in their footsteps. 

But how do you have those conversations? What questions do you ask? On what topics do you want to zero in and focus so that your clients get real value from that conversation? 

On this podcast discussion with Christine Nicholson, she unpacks her 30 years of experience, allowing you to take away a number of key insights that will stimulate great conversations with your clients, as well as within your own firm, so that you can prepare your accountancy firm for a better future without you as a manager and leader. 

Scroll down this episode page for the contact information for Christine and for the additional, downloadable resources mentioned in this podcast.