Humanise The Numbers - for ambitious accountants in practice

Elona Mortimer-Zhika, CEO of Iris - Leadership and Culture and Purpose Series

Paul Shrimpling and Elona Mortimer-Zhika

When a business leader that has 3000 team members and works across several countries, several continents, even, shares their insights on what’s working within the accountancy profession and how to make their business more successful, I’m all ears.

It was a great privilege and a great honour to have Elona Mortimer-Zhika, CEO of Iris, join me on the Humanise the Numbers podcast to share her insights on how important, how valuable, humanising the numbers is from her perspective. 

Dive into this podcast discussion and you may realise that you're already doing certain things well. You may also realise and appreciate the ways and means of improving one or two things that you're already doing. You’ll almost certainly go, ‘mmmmm, not even kickstarted that one – let's get into that because it can have a big impact on our team, our clients and the success of the firm.’

So I hope you'll join me and Elona on this podcast at or go to your favourite podcast platform and you'll find the Humanise The Numbers podcast series there. 

Please scroll down this episode page for the contact information for Elona and for the additional, downloadable resources mentioned in this podcast.