Humanise The Numbers - for ambitious accountants in practice

Alastair Barlow, flinder CEO and co-founder - Leadership series

Paul Shrimpling and Alastair Barlow

What does it take to grow an accounting business from its initial two founders to 40 people in five years? Great question.

What does it take to grow an accounting business which generates average fees per client of £30,000? Another great question. 

What does it take to grow an accountancy business where its people absolutely love working and where the clients respect and love the work that the firm's doing for them? 

I had the great privilege of spending an hour on a podcast discussion with Alastair Barlow, co-founder of flinder. Alastair unpacked many things, but he talked specifically about the determination to systematise the business so that it's not reliant on Alastair and it's not reliant on his co-founder, Luke. 

And standards – the power and the importance of standards and expectations show up big time in this discussion. Last but not least, the determination to uphold those standards across the firm comes through really strongly. 

I hope you take time out to listen to this profoundly valuable conversation with Alastair and that you enjoy it as much as I did. Please join me on this Humanise The Numbers podcast or you can go to your favourite podcast platform. I look forward to seeing you there.

When on the episode page, please scroll down to the bottom to see Alastair's contact information and to access the additional resources mentioned in the podcast.