Humanise The Numbers - for ambitious accountants in practice
Humanise The Numbers - for ambitious accountants in practice
Gary Turner - Investor and board member
When you get the opportunity to meet a leader, one that's been at the forefront of influencing and managing change across the whole profession because of his involvement in Xero, you grab it with both hands.
It's a great honour to have welcomed Gary Turner, ex-UK lead at Xero, onto the Humanise The Numbers podcast to discuss growth, leading and managing change, the successful implementation of technology and how the balance between the importance of the team and the importance of clients plays out in every business, not just in accountancy firms.
I'm absolutely certain you'll get something of deep and meaningful value from this discussion with Gary. I look forward to seeing you at the podcast.
Or if you prefer, go to your favourite podcast platform. I'll see you there.
Please scroll down on this episode page for the contact information for Gary and the additional, downloadable resources mentioned in this podcast.